We Honour PLAY! We Care, We Share, We Love Early Childhood Education. 关注儿童身心发展,倡导&推动“玩育”!厚积薄发,用心分享!

Barr-KinderPlay (幼儿玩) is a place for anyone interested in learning more about Early Childhood Education (ECE). This Offical Wechat Account was created by my wife (Miki Barr) and myself (Josh Barr). Our aim is to offer our experience to help families and fellow teachers understand ECE pedagogy. From our experience and education we often discuss the importance of play for young children and the key to successful child development.
“Barr幼儿玩”,是由我的妻子(Mrs. Miki Barr)和我本人建立的。我们希望能够通过这个平台,跟大家分享我们多年来积累的幼儿教育经验;用我们的专业知识给爸爸妈妈们,给幼教工作者们提供关于幼儿教育方面的帮助。根据我们的专业知识及实践经验,我们会专注于讨论“玩,对幼儿及对幼儿发展的重要性”方面的内容。
If you are interested in early years education and/or young children learning English as a second language we focus our Wechat channel on popular issues, concerns, and highlights of ECE in China.

6 Books to Develop Children's Imagination 6本儿童绘本带你飞

Slide through and click on the images to see a collection of articles in Chinese (mandarin) written by Teacher Miki (Mrs Barr).